Android and Kotlin development

Select the right technology for rapid mobile, AI, and AR/VR app development and design. Cut costs and launch efficiently with small, senior-level teams.

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choose nomtek for Kotlin mobile development

Skilled Senior developers

While the average tenure of developers is less than two years, our developers stay with us over four years. Many of our senior developers stay well beyond the five-year mark.

Quick team setup

We can put together a team of Kotlin developers quickly, and scale it as per your project’s needs. We have available talent to respond to unplanned backlog pivots.

Why use Kotlin for app development

Easier integration with hardware features

If your app relies heavily on a device’s hardware features (GPS, camera, accelerometer), Kotlin mobile development makes these integrations easier.

Compared to cross-platform or hybrid development where you need bridges to access device-specific features, Kotlin has out-of-the-box integrations.

Long-term official support

If your app’s life cycle is long (over three years), you need a stable technology stack to support its growth. Kotlin has a defined upgrade roadmap, which makes it a great choice for apps that stay on the market for over three years.

Great and familiar UX/UI

Native development in Kotlin results in fast apps with impeccable and familiar designs that boost user experience. Kotlin app development is a sweet spot between eye-pleasing visuals and great performance with automatic operating system updates.

Universal design standards help developers implement native Android UI/UX design patterns. Users are familiar with navigation and experience in natively developed Android applications written in Kotlin.

Build A Native Android App

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