Swift app development

Select the right technology for rapid mobile, AI, and AR/VR app development and design. Cut costs and launch efficiently with small, senior-level teams.

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Why write apps in Swift

Excellent Apple ecosystem coverage

Swift mobile development lets you build apps that extend the whole experience within the Apple ecosystem — for example, iPhone, iCloud, AppleWatch integration. You don’t need to rely on third-party plugins to cover all feature needs when developing in Swift.

Seamless scalability

With Swift app development, there’s no limit to the number of integrations — you can scale the app to sustain increasing audiences and transactions, which will especially please e-commerce mobile app owners.

No in-app memory issues

Swift has dynamic library support, which practically eliminates memory clogging. With only one library copy, Swift reduces the footprint making native Swift apps even faster. Because Swift has an LLVM tool that compiles the app’s code to machine code, there are no glitches in screen transitions and animations.

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