Artificial Intelligence

AI in Education: Benefits, Challenges, and Use Cases

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While 65% of white collar jobs can be in some degree affected by artificial intelligence, AI has numerous use cases where it's more an opportunity for optimization than a threat. Such is the case of AI in education. From personalized tutoring systems to automated grading algorithms, AI can transform educational practices, helping boost student engagement, improve learning outcomes, and address longstanding challenges in education. As AI is encroaching closer, exploring the multifaceted impact of artificial intelligence in the education sector and navigating the ethical, social, and practical implications of its integration into classrooms worldwide is key.

When discussing artificial intelligence in any field, moderation and a wide perspective are necessary to paint a fair picture in this highly exciting but also incendiary topic. In education, AI has diverse applications, from its role in delivering tailored learning experiences to its potential to democratize access to quality education. That's why we examine the benefits and challenges of AI adoption, shedding light on how educators, policymakers, and stakeholders can harness the transformative power of AI to create inclusive, equitable, and future-ready intelligent tutoring systems.

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

AI, much like any technology in the computer science field, is not inherently good or bad: its impact depends on how it is utilized. It exists on a spectrum with both positive and negative implications. While it holds immense potential to improve efficiency, productivity, and decision-making across various domains, it also poses ethical, social, and economic challenges. It's essential to approach AI with a nuanced understanding, recognize its capabilities and limitations, and engage in thoughtful discourse to ensure responsible development and deployment. By acknowledging the dual nature of AI, we can work towards harnessing its benefits while mitigating its risks, ultimately shaping a future where technology serves humanity's best interests.

Advantages for students

Universal access for all students 

Artificial intelligence tools play a pivotal role in democratizing education by making global classrooms accessible to all, regardless of language barriers or physical impairments such as visual or hearing impairments. For instance, a plug-in for PowerPoint can generate real-time subtitles for teachers’ speech, ensuring comprehension for diverse learners. This not only facilitates inclusivity for students with disabilities but also extends educational opportunities to those unable to attend school due to illness. In other words, AI tools break down traditional educational barriers by offering personalized learning experiences made to meet individual needs, transcending limitations imposed by school curriculums or grade levels.

By breaking down these barriers to accessibility, AI promotes equity and ensures that all students have equal opportunities to thrive academically.

Bringing easier access to education to developing countries can help children get the support they need to get a higher level of education. For example, in Africa AI is used to address addressing resource shortages at schools. Companies like Daptio and Eneza Education are implementing adaptive learning and virtual teacher support. Daptio’s cloud-based system that adapts content to students’ needs, while Eneza’s TeachMobile offers on-call virtual teachers and resources via mobile devices. These initiatives have notably improved academic performance, enhancing educational access and quality in underserved regions.

Individualized learning experiences

Navigating the diverse needs of every student in a classroom can pose significant challenges for educators. However, artificial intelligence offers a solution through adaptive learning that adjusts to the unique learning requirements of each student. Unlike traditional teaching methods, AI systems have the capacity to personalize instruction to cater to individual strengths and weaknesses.

AI platforms can analyze vast amounts of student data through sophisticated algorithms and machine learning, identifying patterns and preferences to prepare educational content accordingly. For instance, an AI-powered learning management system can track a student’s progress in writing skills in real time, pinpointing areas where additional support is needed or recognizing when a student is ready to advance to more complex concepts.

Tutoring outside the classroom 

AI-powered virtual tutors or chatbots offer students continuous support outside the classroom, serving as knowledgeable companions for homework assistance, exam preparation, or clarifying concepts. These virtual assistants are available around the clock, ensuring that students have access to resources and guidance whenever they need it. According to USC, only 2% of US students receive high-quality tutoring.

Many parents can attest to the challenges of assisting their teenagers with algebra homework, but they also recognize the promise AI holds in providing support during such struggles. As artificial intelligence continues to advance, tutoring and study programs are evolving to accommodate various learning styles better, offering parents and students newfound resources and assistance in homework and test preparations. The growing accessibility and responsiveness of AI-powered tools signal a transformative shift in how families approach academic support outside the classroom.

AI tutoring systems have the remarkable ability to analyze a student’s learning style and existing knowledge. For instance, a visual learner may benefit from interactive simulations and multimedia presentations, while an auditory learner may prefer audio-based explanations or discussions.

In our internal research and development department, we explored the use of artificial intelligence in improving how students learn mathematics. We've combined the conversational nature of large language models like ChatGPT with a focused mathematical curriculum in basics such as algebra, geometry, and probability. That's how our proof-of-concept Fibo: AI Math Tutor came to life — to help students practice maths at home with a smart and constantly available virtual learning assistant. Read more about the making of Fibo in our case study.

fibo app screen
Fibo: AI Math Tutor helps students learn basic maths concepts.

AI tutoring systems also excel at identifying gaps in a student’s knowledge and targeting instruction to address these areas effectively. Through continuous assessment and feedback, these systems ensure students receive the guidance they need to master challenging concepts and advance their learning journey. AI tutors can offer tailored practice exercises and quizzes, reinforcing key concepts and facilitating skill development optimally for each student.

What’s more, AI tutoring systems have the capacity to track student progress over time, providing educators and parents with valuable insights into individual learning trajectories. By analyzing data on student learning performance and engagement, these systems can identify trends and patterns, enabling timely interventions and support where necessary.

Offline access to AI tutors with On-device AI

Chipmakers and software developers are working hard to create increasingly more powerful on-device large language models to bring the power of AI to mobile devices without the need for internet connection. This is especially important for students in remote areas that don't always have good internet connection.

As AI technology continues to evolve, the potential for tutoring systems to enhance learning experiences grows exponentially. Future advancements may include more sophisticated natural language processing capabilities, enabling AI tutors to engage in meaningful conversations with students and provide contextualized feedback based on the in-depth analysis of student history.

Immediate feedback 

Unlike traditional teaching methods, where feedback may be delayed or limited in scope, AI-powered systems can analyze student responses in real-time, providing immediate guidance and reinforcement. Whether correcting a mathematical equation, evaluating a written essay, or assessing comprehension of a complex concept, AI offers swift and personalized feedback tailored to individual student needs. This instant feedback not only reinforces learning objectives but also empowers students to identify and address areas of weakness promptly, fostering a more dynamic and responsive learning environment. By leveraging AI for instant feedback, educators can promote more profound engagement, accelerate learning outcomes, and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement in education.

a graph with subjects where students fall behind the most
Math and reading are the two subjects where students fall behind the most. Source: National Center for Education Statistics School Pulse Panel

Advantages For teachers 

Automated admin tasks with AI tools

Educators constantly seek ways to streamline their processes and focus more on what truly matters: teaching and nurturing students. The integration of AI into education presents an exciting opportunity to achieve just that. By automating administrative tasks, AI empowers teachers to optimize their time and resources, allowing them to dedicate more energy to creating impactful learning experiences. With AI utilization projected to increase significantly in education, the adoption of automated administrative duties promises to revolutionize the approach, ultimately enhancing the overall educational journey for both teachers and students alike.


One prominent example of the impact of AI in education administration is the automation of grading tasks. Higher education institutions can benefit from AI solutions in grading and administrative tasks, such as reducing biases in testing systems and improving enrollment and admissions processes. Traditionally, educators spend considerable time grading homework and tests, a process that can be both time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, AI solutions can swiftly and accurately assess assignments, offering not only rapid grading but also insightful recommendations to address learning gaps.

Indeed, the role of AI extends beyond simply grading exams based on predefined answer keys. These sophisticated systems have the capability to not only assess objective questions but also analyze and evaluate more subjective assessments such as essays. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, AI can analyze written responses’ content, structure, and coherence, providing valuable insights into students’ comprehension and critical thinking skills.

AI grading
AI is already changing how students are graded.

AI grading systems excel at compiling comprehensive data on student performance, allowing educators to gain deeper insights into areas of strength and weakness across various topics and skills. By aggregating and analyzing this data, teachers can identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, enabling targeted interventions and instructional adjustments to better meet their students’ diverse needs.

But AI grading systems offer benefits beyond efficiency and accuracy. They provide students with timely feedback, fostering a more iterative and collaborative approach to learning. By receiving detailed feedback on their assignments, students can gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and areas for growth, ultimately enhancing their learning outcomes and academic progress.

Support for lesson preparation

In the dynamic landscape of education, where the demands on teachers are ever-evolving, Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a valuable ally in lesson preparation. AI offers a plethora of tools and resources that streamline the planning process, allowing educators to create engaging and effective lessons with greater efficiency and precision. AI can analyze vast amounts of educational content, curate relevant resources, and generate personalized lesson plans tailored to specific learning objectives and student needs.

Whether it's recommending multimedia resources, suggesting interactive activities, or identifying gaps in curriculum coverage, AI provides invaluable support to teachers, enabling them to craft enriching learning experiences that resonate with their students. By harnessing the power of AI in lesson preparation, educators can optimize their planning efforts, enhance instructional quality, and ultimately empower students to thrive academically.

With AI's advancement, the potential for personalized learning reaches new heights. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, it may even be capable of detecting subtle cues, such as facial expressions indicating confusion, to adapt lessons in real-time. While customizing curriculum for each student's needs remains a daunting task for educators today, AI-powered machines offer a promising solution. By leveraging AI, educators can transcend the limitations of traditional teaching methods and deliver truly personalized learning experiences that optimize student success and engagement.

Feedback on course quality

Through AI-powered analytics tools, educators can gain valuable insights into various aspects of course delivery, including student engagement, comprehension levels, and learning outcomes. By analyzing student interactions, assessments, and performance metrics, AI can identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement, enabling teachers to make informed decisions about course design and delivery.

For instance, when numerous students consistently answer a question incorrectly, AI has the capability to pinpoint the precise information or concepts they are struggling with. This enables educators to implement targeted enhancements in teaching materials and methodologies. Additionally, AI facilitates the provision of meaningful and prompt feedback to students. In traditional classroom settings, some students may feel hesitant to take risks or receive constructive criticism. With AI-driven systems, however, students can feel at ease making mistakes as they receive the necessary feedback essential for their growth and improvement.


Revolution in schools — is AI in education bad?

While AI offers numerous benefits in education, such as personalized learning and administrative task automation, it also presents certain disadvantages that merit consideration. One significant drawback is the potential for exacerbating inequalities in access to education. High-quality AI-powered tools and resources may not be equally accessible to all students and schools, widening the gap between privileged and underprivileged learners.

The challenges and potential abuse associated with generative AI in education also can't be overlooked. Reliance on AI for teaching and assessment may lead to a dehumanization of the learning experience, reducing the role of human interaction and empathy in education. Teachers worry that this could have detrimental effects on students’ social and emotional development, as well as their ability to engage critically with educational content.

Data privacy concerns

Then there are concerns surrounding data privacy and security in AI-driven education systems. As these systems collect and analyze vast amounts of student data, there is a risk of breaches or misuse of sensitive information, raising ethical and legal implications. The use of AI in grading and evaluation may raise questions about the fairness and validity of assessments, as AI algorithms may not always accurately capture the nuances of student performance or learning outcomes. Finally, there is the potential for AI to perpetuate biases present in the data used to train these systems, leading to unintended discrimination or reinforcement of existing inequalities within education systems.

How to make sure AI isn't a threat for educational institutions

While AI holds promise in transforming education, it is essential to approach its integration thoughtfully, considering its potential drawbacks and mitigating risks to ensure equitable, ethical, and practical implementation. One strategy to reduce risks associated with AI in education is to prioritize transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of AI-powered systems. This includes  clear communication about how AI technologies are being used in educational settings, as well as establishing mechanisms for oversight and review to address concerns related to bias, privacy, and data security.

Another important strategy is to promote digital literacy and critical thinking skills among students and educators. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to understand how AI works, evaluate its capabilities and limitations, and critically assess the information and recommendations provided by AI systems, they can better navigate the complexities of AI in education and make informed decisions.

But the key is fostering a culture of collaboration and interdisciplinary engagement that can help address the diverse challenges associated with AI in education. By bringing together stakeholders that include educators, researchers, policymakers, industry experts, and community members, we can collectively identify potential risks, explore innovative solutions, and develop best practices to ensure that AI enhances rather than undermines educational equity, accessibility, and quality.

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